My First NMO Symptoms Appeared Years Before My Diagnosis
It didn’t start as a windy day. The sun beaming down on my face felt oh so good. Spending time on the water with my family was one of my favorite activities. At first,…
Jennifer V. (she/her) received her diagnosis of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder — aquaporin-4 positive — in early 2010. Residing in Toronto, Canada, Jennifer actively manages her condition, which is often unseen, by maintaining a busy schedule. She serves as a professor at George Brown College, works as an HR consultant, and is a passionate patient advocate. Jennifer also plays the roles of a devoted mother to her daughter, a pug’s loving guardian (her fur baby), a dedicated wife, caring sister to three siblings, and a protective daughter. In moments of sleeplessness, Jennifer finds solace in pug photos and videos.
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