
How to Offer Help to a Loved One With NMO

When I first became sick with neuromyelitis optica (NMO), people often told me how sorry they were. I believe they genuinely meant it, but it’s always an uncomfortable and awkward conversation for both parties. As the patient, I never want people to feel sad, so my natural response…

When the Caregiver Needs Care

At first glance, many might say that our family appears totally healthy. However, my daughter Bella, 13, fights neuromyelitis optica (NMO) every day, and despite being her caregiver, I have health issues of my own. When Bella got sick in August 2017, I was almost done with the classes…

Finding Connection and Community in Support Groups

After experiencing all of the challenges that came with my 13-year-old daughter Bella’s neuromyelitis optica (NMO) diagnosis and the rareness of the disease, I wanted to find a way to connect with other NMO patients and caregivers. Bella was so young that I felt I needed the connections to…

Group Focuses on Rare Disease Clinical Trial Participation

Participation in clinical trials exposes rare disease patients to financial, physical, and emotional pressures, according to the results of a patient focus group series. “Rare disease trial participants are running an endurance race they are highly motivated to complete, but these incremental burdens negatively impact their ability or willingness to…