
No, it’s not OK to discuss the fluctuations in my weight

I’ve been thin. Very thin. And I’m currently overweight. Very overweight. It’s not lost on me that in this lifetime, I’ve experienced both ends of the weight spectrum. I can make excuses for that, but the bottom line is that my body has endured sharp weight fluctuations for many reasons…

I’m not alone when illnesses lead me to my breaking point

Everyone has a breaking point. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed by sadness, depression, or anxiety when life’s pressures become too heavy. Those of us who have chronic illnesses have our breaking points, too. As a lifelong patient with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD), I’d like to believe it…

Stress Is Bad, but Most Stress Management Is Absurd

Nothing irks me more than when a medical specialist tells me to “reduce the stress” in my life. It’s as if stress is the same as a few extra pounds of weight we can cut out with some habit changes. It imagines we can take medication for stress the same…

Are Roller Coasters Worth the Stress for NMO Patients?

My mom was incredibly angry with me, and rightfully so, the day I lost my retainer. We fed four kids on one income, yet somehow afforded braces and then a retainer, which I was supposed to wear all the time except when eating. I remember playing with the retainer in…

How a Lack of Understanding About NMO Affects My Mental Health

Feeling misunderstood is one of the biggest challenges I face with neuromyelitis optica (NMO). This week, we took our daughter sledding with a couple of friends. Sledding is a Canadian rite of passage, though I’ll admit it feels dangerous most of the time. Our brave 9-year-old, prepared with a helmet,…