Disability Costs Us More Than Our Physical Health

For the first 10 years after I was diagnosed with neuromyelitis optica (NMO), I chose to keep my condition private because I worried about how others might perceive me. But over the past two years of the pandemic, I’ve made the conscious decision to own my truth. I’ve been…

When the Caregiver Needs Care

At first glance, many might say that our family appears totally healthy. However, my daughter Bella, 13, fights neuromyelitis optica (NMO) every day, and despite being her caregiver, I have health issues of my own. When Bella got sick in August 2017, I was almost done with the classes…

Finding Connection and Community in Support Groups

After experiencing all of the challenges that came with my 13-year-old daughter Bella’s neuromyelitis optica (NMO) diagnosis and the rareness of the disease, I wanted to find a way to connect with other NMO patients and caregivers. Bella was so young that I felt I needed the connections to…

How to Respond to the Dreaded Question, ‘How Are You?’

¿Cómo estás? 你好嗎 Ça va? How are you? With the holiday season upon us, people are getting together, hopefully safely, considering the persistent COVID-19 pandemic. While I always enjoy seeing friends and loved ones, I find it uncomfortable when I’m asked difficult questions like, “How are you?” While the phrase…

Rare Disease Groups in US Join in Plea for Care Across State Lines

Over 230 national organizations signed a letter urging all 50 U.S. state governors to “maintain and expand” flexibility with licensure requirements for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic to ease access to care. During the pandemic, governors used emergency authority to waive certain state licensure requirements, giving healthcare providers…

Redefining What’s Possible Through Paralympic Sports

Like many Canadians, I grew up watching curling, a beloved national sport that helped make the long prairie winters more tolerable. I’d watch with my grandparents and cheer for the teams that made it to the Olympics. Curling transfixed me with its elegant combination of skill, athleticism, and drama.

Rare Disease Diversity Coalition Awards $600K to Combat Disparities

The Rare Disease Diversity Coalition (RDDC) awarded $600,000 in grants to ease the disparities faced by rare disease patients of color. These Impact Rare Disease Solution grants will go five RDDC steering committee working groups, which aim to identify problems for rare disease communities and advocate for solutions. The five…