How I’m making my voice heard as an NMOSD advocate

I never wanted to be a disability advocate. I don’t know anyone whose childhood dream involved advocacy of any sort, but something happens, or you witness an injustice you can’t turn away from, and a champion is born. I was born an advocate, except I didn’t know it until that…

My Growth in Advocacy, an Unknown and Unexpected Journey

Advocacy is the action of advocating, pleading for, or supporting a cause or proposal. I’m a firm believer that we’ve all been an advocate or benefited from advocacy at least once in our lives. Personally, I’ve been able to experience the blessing of both having an advocate and working to…

Why Work Is Important to Me as an NMO Patient

I am one of the few lucky ones who really enjoy what they do for a living, but that’s probably because I’ve taken control of my destiny. I am constantly reinventing myself and building the career I want. This became even more important after I was diagnosed with neuromyelitis…

Advocates Lobby US Congress During Virtual Rare Disease Week

More than 600 people participated in the 10th annual Rare Disease Week on Capitol Hill 2021, held virtually July 14–22, to advocate for the rare disease community. Hosted by the EveryLife Foundation’s Rare Disease Legislative Advocates (RDLA) program, the event brings together community members from across the U.S. to…