
Inflammatory Neutrophils Resist Cell Death in AQP4 + NMOSD: Study

Neutrophils, a set of immune cells, from people with aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) are resistant to certain forms of cell death, a study found. NMOSD patients also had increased blood levels of molecules that might help neutrophils resist cell death pathways. Similar findings weren’t observed…

High Incidence of Pain in NMOSD Is Mostly Nerve-related

The incidence of pain in adults with neuromyelitis optic spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is high and was reported as the first sign of an inflammatory attack in half of patients, according to an examination of medical records. Neuropathic (nerve-related) pain, marked by uncomfortable burning or tingling, was the most common…

Rituximab Helps Ease Disability in Children With NMOSD, Study Finds

Rituximab may be effective for improving functionality in children with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) or other inflammatory neurological disorders, though more research is needed to identify optimal treatment regimens, a new study reports. “Efficacy of [rituximab] in specific indications and good tolerance are confirmed in pediatric neurology.

Optic Nerve Fiber Damage After Acute NMOSD Attacks Studied

Optic nerve fiber damage is usually more severe in people with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) than with idiopathic optic neuritis, based on a clinical measure called visual evoked potential, a study shows. Results also suggest the recovery window after an acute NMOSD attack is shorter, highlighting the importance…

Spinal Cord Inflammation Seen to Change Brain Connectivity on fMRIs

Inflammatory episodes in the spinal cord of people with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) resulted in changes in functional connectivity in the brain, an imaging study shows. Functional connectivity refers to the correlation between brain signals over time that reflects functional connections between two or more brain regions. Reduced…

OCT Retinal Imaging May Help Support Diagnosis of NMOSD

Measuring the retinal nerve layers by a non-invasive tool called optical coherence tomography may help to diagnose neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD), especially in those who test negative for disease-related antibodies, according to a new study. Researchers found that nerve layers in the retina of people with NMOSD…