
How to avoid being intimidated by the wall of vitamin brands

Sometimes while I’m waiting for my prescription, I find myself meandering through the aisles of our local pharmacy. At one point I found myself facing the wall of vitamin supplements. Rows upon rows of nondescript bottles greeted me, each distinguished only by a large letter on its front. The array…

No, it’s not OK to discuss the fluctuations in my weight

I’ve been thin. Very thin. And I’m currently overweight. Very overweight. It’s not lost on me that in this lifetime, I’ve experienced both ends of the weight spectrum. I can make excuses for that, but the bottom line is that my body has endured sharp weight fluctuations for many reasons…

Why hope is important in managing my NMOSD

I’ve always been a superstitious person. It started by listening to tales about my oma (grandma), who was a believer in the dark arts. My greatest memory of her is from one evening when she called everyone to say goodbye, knowing she would pass away the next day. And she…